Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Announcing my next project - a Graphical User Interface

When I was working on my games in the past, I have always had to rewrite certain parts of the game such as buttons, HP bars, and menus. To save time in the future, I have decided to create my own Graphical User Interface, from scratch, using only C++ and SDL. I am not dreaming about anything too hard at this moment, but as the project evolves, who knows. I'm ONLY going to develop the GUI to the point where I feel satisfied with what I've done and I'm only going to go as far as my needs of GUI features go.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Introduction Post

Welcome to my blog!

I'm going to post my development process here so you can see on what projects I'm working on. If you find anything interesting, feel free to comment.


In the past few years, I have came upon many interesting things that I would li
ke to share with you. I've created many applications and learned a lot of interesting things about programming.
Also, I would like to warn you about potential pitfalls in game development.